DOC Finding Mr Flood by Ciara Geraghty free full pc phone book

DOC Finding Mr Flood by Ciara Geraghty free full pc phone book

DOC Finding Mr Flood by Ciara Geraghty free full pc phone book

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Book description
Dara Flood always says the most interesting thing about her life happened before she was born. Thirteen days before she came into the world, her father walked up the road and never came back.Now in her twenties, Daras life has a careful routine. She lives in Dublin with her mother and sister Angel. She has pizza with friends every Wednesday, salsa class every Friday, and sees her boyfriend every Saturday. Its safe and thats the way she likes it.Then Angel gets desperately sick and Daras ordered life falls apart. Neither she nor her mother is a compatible match for the kidney Angel needs. So Dara sets out to find the father who could be their last hope. But on the path to uncovering the truth about her father, Dara learns that to let life - and love - in, sometimes you just have to let go . . .
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