DOC Fiery by Alyssa Astra acquire eng value book ios

DOC Fiery by Alyssa Astra acquire eng value book ios

DOC Fiery by Alyssa Astra acquire eng value book ios

> READ BOOK > Fiery



Book description

Book description
Aiden Adams, a transgender teen, begins writing in a journal when he moves to a new town named Ashmore and begins “passing. He is counting on everyone to believe that he is the every bit the male he appears to be. Writing in his journal helps him unclog his brain as he writes about the daily struggles he faces as a transgender teenager, his painful past that he is trying to forget, the new friends he is making, and the beautiful girl named Abby whom he has fallen in love with. Aiden has already come out to his open-minded mother, but will Abby be just as understanding? When Aiden loses his journal, he worries that the secret he is trying so desperately to keep will come out. And if it does, how will everyone react? Will Abby be able to cope with everyone knowing that he is transgender? Will his new friends accept Aiden for who he really is—a boy—or will everything fall apart?
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