DOC Fabrics A-to-Z: The Essential Guide to Choosing and Using Fabric for Sewing by Dana Willard txt ibooks

DOC Fabrics A-to-Z: The Essential Guide to Choosing and Using Fabric for Sewing by Dana Willard txt ibooks

DOC Fabrics A-to-Z: The Essential Guide to Choosing and Using Fabric for Sewing by Dana Willard txt ibooks

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Book description
Fabrics A to Z is the essential guide for sewists and fabric enthusiasts of all levels. This thorough resource explains the unique characteristics, strengths, and limitations of more than 100 fabrics in easy-to-understand terms, so any sewist can enter a fabric shop with confidence. From dotted swiss to silk charmeuse to faux fur, each entry includes a close-up photo of the fabric as well as an overview of its characteristics, ideal uses, and special considerations when sewing. As a bonus, the book concludes with a section on the best tools and notions to use when working with particular fibers, as well as tips on how to read patterns. The small size and flexibind format of Fabrics A to Z make it perfect for tossing into a bag when headed to the fabric store.
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