DOC Explorers (Scholastic Discover More) by Penelope Arlon download pdf

DOC Explorers (Scholastic Discover More) by Penelope Arlon download pdf

DOC Explorers (Scholastic Discover More) by Penelope Arlon download pdf

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Book description

Book description
EXPLORERS is full of the real-life experiences of adventurers past and present.The age of exploration is far from over. There are vast areas of our oceans still undiscovered. And there has never been a more exciting time in human space travel, as we endeavor to land man on Mars and embark on an era of space tourism. EXPLORERS examines these modern adventures as well as our rich history of discovery.Who completed the round-the-world journey that Magellan had started? Where did the first inhabitants of the Polynesian islands come from, and how did they get there? EXPLORERS investigates questions like these and introduces the people to whom we owe our knowledge of our universe--from famous historical adventurers like Lewis and Clark and Roald Amundsen, to lesser-known seekers like Jeanne Baret (the first woman to circumnavigate the globe) and Matthew Henson (the first African American Arctic explorer), to present-day explorers of the seas and skies.
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