DOC Embattled Christmas by J.M. Madden (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOC Embattled Christmas by J.M. Madden (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

DOC Embattled Christmas by J.M. Madden (Goodreads Author) store book mp3 iphone ipad

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Book description
Christmas at the Lost and Found Investigative Service is anything but merry this season. John Palmer dreads the holiday. For the past year he and Shannon have been getting along like gangbusters, but as the holiday creeps closer tension invades their relationship. He’s at a loss as to how to fix it. Until he makes a risky gamble. Chad doesn’t know why Mercy is having problems at school. Maybe with a little intervention from Santa they can get to the bottom of her situation. Duncan Wilde runs herd on his group, putting out fires as they come along. But maybe a special Christmas present from the group will make him look at life with fresh eyes.
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