DOC Education For A New World by Maria Montessori read pc link english iBooks

DOC Education For A New World by Maria Montessori read pc link english iBooks

DOC Education For A New World by Maria Montessori read pc link english iBooks

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The will of man is not expressed in disorder or violence; that is the mark of suffering. Marshal Rosenberg would totally agree. If a child carries out the will of a teacher because he is afraid or because his affection is exploited, he has no will, and obedience that is secured by suppression of the will is truly oppression.The real aim of all children was revealed as constancy in work and spontaneity in choice of work, without guidance of teachers. Following some inner guide, they occupied themselves in work different for each that gave them joy and peace. No different from adults. The child concentrates on those things that he already has in his mind, that he has absorbed in the previous period, for whatever has been conquered has a tendency to remain in the mind, to be pondered. The power of the adult in the choice of what he exposes his child to.This strength of imagination in the child under six is usually expended on toys and fairy tales, but surely we can give him real things to imagine about, so putting him in more accurate relation with his environment. Seriously.How can we speak of Democracy or Freedom when from the very beginning of life we mould the child to undergo tyranny, to obey a dictator? Couldnt have said it better myself! I love this lady!If we wish to alter the habits and customs of a county, or if we wish to accentuate more vigorously the characteristics of a people, we must take as our instrument the child, for very little can be done in this direction by acting upon adults. To change a generation or nation, to influence it towards either good or ill, to re-awaken religion or add culture, we must look to the child, who is omnipotent. The truth of this has been demonstrated of late by the Nazis and Fascists, who changed the character of whole peoples by working on children.
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