DOC Eden Rising by Brett Battles (Goodreads Author) purchase book text windows mobile

DOC Eden Rising by Brett Battles (Goodreads Author) purchase book text windows mobile

DOC Eden Rising by Brett Battles (Goodreads Author) purchase book text windows mobile

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Book description
From thriller and suspense master Brett Battles comes Eden Rising, the fifth book in the continuing Project Eden saga.The Sage Flu pandemic is sweeping across the globe, killing almost everyone in its path. Those who have so far avoided its deathly grip struggle to remain among the living.When the message from the man claiming to be Secretary General of the United Nations plays around the world, hope begins to bloom. But the message isnt from the UN, and its promise of a life-saving vaccine is a lie.Project Eden is working toward its endgame, when it will be in full control of what remains of the human race.In Montana, the small group that has remained at the Bunker, after the rest of the Resistance relocated to a safer location, now has no choice but to leave. Daniel Ash needs more time to recover, but a storm is coming. Instead of heading for the remote Resistance base in Nevada, however, the Resistances leader has a much different plan.A plan that could change everything.Eden Rising is best read after completing volumes 1-4 (Sick, Exit 9, Pale Horse, and Ashes) Praise for the Project Eden Thrillers“Sick didn’t just hook me. It hit me with a devastating uppercut on every primal level—as a parent, a father, and a human being.” — Blake Crouch, author of Run“…a gem of an outbreak story that unfolds like a thriller movie and never lets up, all the way to the last page. Absolutely my favorite kind of story!” — John Maberry, New York Times bestselling author“…not only grabs you by the throat, but by the heart and gut as well, and by the time you finish you feel as if youve just taken a runaway train through dangerous territory. Buy these books now. You wont regret it.”—Robert Browne, best selling author of Trial Junkies“You think Battles was badass before? He just cranked it up to 500 joules. CLEAR!”—“Brett Battles at his best, a thriller that also chills, with a secret at its core thats almost too scary to be contained within the covers of a book.” — Tim Hallinan, author of the Edgar-nominated The Queen of PatpongBrett Battles is the author of over eighteen novels and several short stories. His second novel, THE DECEIVED (part of his Jonathan Quinn series), won the Barry Award for Best Thriller. He is one of the founding members of Killer Year, and is a member of International Thriller Writers. He lives and writes in Los Angeles. More info available at
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