DOC Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories by T.C. Boyle (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

DOC Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories by T.C. Boyle (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

DOC Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories by T.C. Boyle (Goodreads Author) epub online reading

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Book description
Literature is entertainment, writes Boyle, the editor of this anthology. And this collection, penned by some of the greats, is nothing but. Doubletakes is ideal for anyone teaching creative writing, running a workshop, or just in need of a clinic on the contemporary short story. Tom Boyle has collected, and approaches these stories, as a teacher. Meaning, in brief introductions before each pair of stories, he gives a quick context on the author and their palette of work that will be useful to both teacher and student. And what a great idea to pair an authors fiction side by side. The most interesting, by far, is the two Raymond Carver stories, in which Boyle includes two versions of the same story: one that Carver finished and sent out, the other a version that his notorious editor, Gordon Lish, later revised (interesting enough, the latter is the more famous version). Ive taught this anthology at the university level for a few years now and students love it. The authors may be of--ahem--the lilly white persuasion (except for Junot Diaz, academias go-to guy for street cred), but the fiction is fun and provocative enough (read Gaitskills Secretary. Immediately). And of course Boyle wouldnt be Boyle if he didnt include himself (AND comment on his own brilliance) in his own damn anthology. Hilarious!
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