DOC Devil’s Spawn by Sarah Masters (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

DOC Devil’s Spawn by Sarah Masters (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

DOC Devil’s Spawn by Sarah Masters (Goodreads Author) cheap eReader page online audio

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Book description
After an altercation with Vincent, Julian leaves the ton as captain of Le Frai de Démon, trading his wares in foreign parts. Two years pass, two years of Vincent abstaining from sex and mourning the loss of his love.Week nights, gay men gather in Devil’s Spawn, Julian’s club, and though Vincent doesn’t partake in sexual contact, he visits the club as a way to bring Julian closer despite his absence.One night, Vincent’s life is turned upside down with the return of Julian. Though his heart tells him to open up and allow Julian in, his pride rears its stubborn head. Will Julian be able to break down the barriers? And will Vincent find out why Julian is really called The Master?
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