DOC Den stjГҐlne sten (GrГёnnesГё, #1) by Josefine Ottesen book online wiki how to read

DOC Den stjГҐlne sten (GrГёnnesГё, #1) by Josefine Ottesen book online wiki how to read

DOC Den stjГҐlne sten (GrГёnnesГё, #1) by Josefine Ottesen book online wiki how to read

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Book description

Book description
Josefine Ottesen is one of Denmark’s most popular authors of books for children and young people, in terms of both enjoyment and sales. During the last 25 years, Josefine’s authorship has, on several occasions, set the agenda on the Danish children’s book scene. The many national awards and international nominations she has received, covering several different works, testify to her broad appeal and popularity.With her imaginative stories, filled with adventure and fantasy, Josefine Ottesen has contributed to many children’s joyful conquest of reading, as well as retaining young people, boys especially, as readers at an age when their interest in books often wanes.
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