DOC Delete This At Your Peril: One Mans Fearless Exchanges With The Internet Spammers by Neil Forsyth ipad download tom android view

DOC Delete This At Your Peril: One Mans Fearless Exchanges With The Internet Spammers by Neil Forsyth ipad download tom android view

DOC Delete This At Your Peril: One Mans Fearless Exchanges With The Internet Spammers by Neil Forsyth ipad download tom android

> READ BOOK > Delete This At Your Peril: One Mans Fearless Exchanges With The Internet Spammers

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Book description

Book description
Spam is the plague of the electronic age, comprising 90% of all e-mails and illegally netting millions of dollars each year. Into this frustrating wave of directed marketing steps the brave figure of Bob Servant, a former window cleaner and cheeseburger magnate with a love of wine, women, and song-as well as a devious sense of fair play. In collusion with his editor Neil Forsyth, Bob gives spammers a taste of their own medicine. This wickedly funny and original book features the anarchic exchanges between Bob and the hapless spam merchants who unwittingly flood his inbox. As they offer him African fortunes, Russian brides, and get-rich-quick scams, he turns the tables by offering them some outlandish schemes of his own. Upping the ante with the skill of a seasoned pro, Bob demands legal asylum, shoulders to cry on, and gold lions that speak-and almost gets his way. The result is page after page of wacky and hilarious e-mail exchanges-and a cathartic release for anyone whose inbox has been deluged with unwanted e-mail.
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