DOC Dead Love by Linda Wells (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

DOC Dead Love by Linda Wells (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

DOC Dead Love by Linda Wells (Goodreads Author) portable book epub itunes amazon

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Book description
When a terrorist attack is unleashed on a major US metropolitan area, the lives of a beautiful scientist, her military lover, and two FBI agents become intertwined. As the government races to contain the spreading damage and the FBI closes in on the perpetrators, the officer must choose between protecting his lover and the oath he took to defend his country. A captivating suspense thriller full of sharp turns and surprising twists, Linda Wells’s story is so frighteningly real it could have been pulled off the days headlines. Her deft handling of multiple viewpoints lends breadth and emotional depth that resonates long after the cover is closed.As chilling as it is erotic and sexy, Dead Love will draw you in from page one as its relentless pacing drives toward its shattering climax.
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