DOC Crazy English by Richard Lederer read mobi on iphone

DOC Crazy English by Richard Lederer read mobi on iphone

DOC Crazy English by Richard Lederer read mobi on iphone

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Book description
In what other language, asks Lederer, do people drive on a parkway and park in a driveway, and your nose can run and your feet can smell? In CRAZY ENGLISH, Lederer frolics through the logic-boggling byways of our language, discovering the names for phobias you didnt know you could have, the longest words in our dictionaries, and the shortest sentence containing every letter in the alphabet. Youll take a birds-eye view of our beastly language, feast on a banquet of mushrooming food metaphors, and meet the self-reflecting Doctor Rotcod, destined to speak only in palindromes.
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