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DOC Convalescence by Maynard Sims (Goodreads Author) book mobile purchase find english

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Book description
Review copyMaynard Sims is actually a they. Len Maynard and Michael Sims have been writing together for more than forty years. In addition to supernatural thrillers, like Convalescence, they also write stories in the thriller, mystery, and suspense genres.Although short on words, coming in at only 87 pages, Convalescence is long on story.James Bently, fourteen, is the only member of his family to survive an outbreak of tuberculosis. Sent to live with his uncle Thomas, at his sprawling estate, its not long before he hears what sounds like a child crying. Later, he begins to communicate with a mysterious entity on the property. With the aide of a house maid, sixteen-year-old, Amy, the riddle is eventually solved only to reveal a horrifying truth about what had taken place at his uncles house.Reading Convalescence was like stepping briefly into another time and place. The prose was lyrical and I loved the bits with James little transistor radio, his only link to the outside world and British pop music of 1965. All in all, this was a truly wonderful ghost story.From Samhain Horror, Convalescence will b available as an e-book on November 3, 2015.If you are a fan of ghost stories you dont want to miss this one.
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