DOC Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg by Timothy B. Smith pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOC Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg by Timothy B. Smith pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOC Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg by Timothy B. Smith pc amazon read direct link no registration

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Book description
The Battle of Champion Hill was the decisive land engagement of the Vicksburg Campaign. The May 16, 1863, fighting took place just 20 miles east of the river city, where the advance of Gen. Ulysses S. Grants Federal army attacked Gen. John C. Pembertons hastily gathered Confederates. The bloody fighting seesawed back and forth until superior Union leadership broke apart the Southern line, sending Pembertons army into headlong retreat. The victory on Mississippis wooded hills sealed the fate of both Vicksburg and her large field army, propelled Grant into the national spotlight, and earned him the command of the entire U.S. armed forces.Timothy Smith, who holds a Ph.D. from Mississippi State and works as a historian for the National Park Service, has written the definitive account of this long overlooked battle. His vivid prose is grounded upon years of primary research and is rich in analysis, strategic and tactical action, and character development. Champion Hill will become a classic Civil War battle study. REVIEWS WINNER, NON-FICTION, 2005, MISSISSIPPI INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND LETTERS
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