DOC Caveman, A B.C. Story by Janee Trasler (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

DOC Caveman, A B.C. Story by Janee Trasler (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

DOC Caveman, A B.C. Story by Janee Trasler (Goodreads Author) audio page amazon online spanish

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Book description
This is a story about a caveman. Each picture has one word and tells a story. All 26 pictures tell a larger story together. And the fun part is that the words are all in alphabetical order. For example Acorn has a caveman and a squirrel running after an acorn. Then Bear comes and chases them into a Cave. Such fun looking at the one words. This is a great type of book for the little kids who are just learning about reading and letters. They can see the alphabet letters highlighted at the beginning of each word. They can tell more of the story just by looking at the picture. (Such as pointing out that the bear is hiding in the Acorn picture.) When reading this book to kiddos, the kids will tell more of the story than the readers will. A great chance to teach that a picture is worth 1,000 words!
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