DOC Cat Catcher by Caroline Shaw pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOC Cat Catcher by Caroline Shaw pc amazon read direct link no registration

DOC Cat Catcher by Caroline Shaw pc amazon read direct link no registration

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Book description
Lenny Aaron is an ex-cop who now runs a business tracking down Melbournes cats that have gone AWOL. Having left the police after her last investigation went horribly wrong, Lenny is gradually piecing her life back together with a little help from Zen and a fistful of analgesics. The daughter of a media mogul hires Lennys services to find a missing cat and uncover the identity of the author of a series of threatening letters. Before she know it, Lenny - with all her eccentricities, phobias and addictions - is back in the murder business. Without nine lives she must race against time as the adventure gets deadlier and the stakes get higher in this fast-paced game of cat and mouse.A brilliantly diverse cast - the Japanese psychologist, the Russian barber, the British porn shop owner - populate this sharp debut novel which blends wit, fear and mystery.
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