DOC Brood X by Michael Phillip Cash (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

DOC Brood X by Michael Phillip Cash (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

DOC Brood X by Michael Phillip Cash (Goodreads Author) eng original free access value

> READ BOOK > Brood X



Book description

Book description
Seth is laid off from work. His wife Lara just found out they are expecting a baby this summer. Seth plans on documenting the entire pregnancy with his brand new digital camcorder. During an evening home watching television, the news reports that a swarm of cicada (Brood Ten) are expected to overwhelm the entire Northeast. Brood Ten is vicious and ready to invade. During a sweltering summer night, Brood Ten emerges and wreaks havoc with the electric grid, phone and cell service, wi-fi, food and water supply. Civilization as they know it is gone. Seth and Lara are thrown back to the stone age in their own home with trillions of cicada trying to deposit their eggs and breed. Fast paced and filled with tension, Brood Ten is the perfect summer read when you’re sitting outside listening to the cicadas sing.
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