DOC Bolo by Keith Laumer author offline read ebook txt

DOC Bolo by Keith Laumer author offline read ebook txt

DOC Bolo by Keith Laumer author offline read ebook txt

> READ BOOK > Bolo



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Book description
Bolo. Originally developed as far back as the 1980s by the Bolo Division of General Motors, these great artillery machines took on awareness in later designs and gradually began to replace man in that most human of endeavors: War.But let Bolo speak for itself. In the action-packed Annals of the Dinochrome Brigade, the ultimate fighting machines tell their own fascinating, far-ranging and ultimately tragic story.Contents:A Short History of the Bolo Fighting Machines (1976)The Night of the Trolls (1963)Courier (1961)Field Test (1976)The Last Command (1967)A Relic of War (1969)Combat Unit (1960)
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