DOC Bibliophilia: One Mans Obsession with Book Collection: An Epistolary Novel by N John Hall read txt on ipad

DOC Bibliophilia: One Mans Obsession with Book Collection: An Epistolary Novel by N John Hall read txt on ipad

DOC Bibliophilia: One Mans Obsession with Book Collection: An Epistolary Novel by N John Hall read txt on ipad

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Book description
I had to force myself to finish this one. I found it pretentious with hints of racism and boring format to top it off. I picked up this book because I though it would focus more on the hobby of book collecting , I didnt sign up to read boring emails between adults that think a little bit too much themselves. There is no main plot and the little bit of plot twist that happens towards the end , even a blind man could have seen it coming .... it just makes the character seem stupid .... Anyways not all of them can be winners!
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