DOC Beside Bethesda by Joni Eareckson Tada francais format tablet torrent book

DOC Beside Bethesda by Joni Eareckson Tada francais format tablet torrent book

DOC Beside Bethesda by Joni Eareckson Tada francais format tablet torrent book

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Book description
A 31-day devotional from bestselling author and speaker Joni Eareckson Tada that takes readers on a month-long journey toward the deepest healing God offers. The entire book is framed against Jonis visit to the healing pool of Bethesda to seek healing where Jesus healed.As Joni relates aspects of her own journey in dealing with the most painful -unanswered prayer- of her life, readers will learn to see beyond potential quick fixes to the deepest and greatest solutions God has for them. As the journey continues, readers deal with topics such as contentment, patience, unanswered prayer, transformation through suffering, wrestling with God, and hoping in God.
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