DOC Bending the Rules by Susan Andersen (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

DOC Bending the Rules by Susan Andersen (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

DOC Bending the Rules by Susan Andersen (Goodreads Author) online link flibusta without signing txt

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Book description
Tall, dark and intense, Detective Jason de Sanges excites all kinds of fantasies in Poppy Calloway. But when she suggests the three teens caught spray-painting a Seattle neighborhood be given art-related community service and he just wants to see them pay�all bets are off.With the men in his family always in and out of the slammer, Jase was raised in foster care. He knows what it takes to walk the line. And his number one self-imposed rule? Avoid his hunger for sexy, irresistible Poppy, who challenges him on everything. But its a vow thats getting harder and harder to keep.…
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