DOC Batman: Kuolema kulkee suvussa (Osa 2) by Jim Starlin fb2 online free

DOC Batman: Kuolema kulkee suvussa (Osa 2) by Jim Starlin fb2 online free

DOC Batman: Kuolema kulkee suvussa (Osa 2) by Jim Starlin fb2 online free

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James P. Jim Starlin is an American comic book writer and artist. With a career dating back to the early 1970s, he is best known for cosmic tales and space opera; for revamping the Marvel Comics characters Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock; and for creating or co-creating the Marvel characters Thanos and Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu. Death and suicide are recurring themes in Starlins work: Personifications of Death appeared in his Captain Marvel series and in a fill-in story for Ghost Rider; Warlock commits suicide by killing his future self; and suicide is a theme in a story he plotted and drew for The Rampaging Hulk magazine.In the mid-1970s, Starlin contributed a cache of stories to the independently published science-fiction anthology Star Reach. Here he developed his ideas of God, death, and infinity, free of the restrictions of mainstream comics publishers self-censorship arm, the Comics Code Authority. Starlin also drew The Secret of Skull River, inked by frequent collaborator Al Milgrom, for Savage Tales #5 (July 1974).When Marvel Comics wished to use the name of Captain Marvel for a new, different character,[citation needed] Starlin was given the rare opportunity to produce a one-shot story in which to kill off a main character. The Death of Captain Marvel became the first graphic novel published by the company itself. (In the late 1980s, Starlin began working more for DC Comics, writing a number of Batman stories, including the four-issue miniseries Batman: The Cult (Aug.-Nov. 1988), and the storyline Batman: A Death in the Family, in Batman #426-429 (Dec. 1988 – Jan. 1989), in which Jason Todd, the second of Batmans Robin sidekicks, was killed. The death was decided by fans, as DC Comics set up a hotline for readers to vote on as to whether or not Jason Todd should survive a potentially fatal situation. For DC he created Hardcore Station.
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