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DOC Bald Coot and Screaming Loon: A Handbook for the Curious Bird Lover by Niall Edworthy ebay via apple english free

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Book description
Bald Coot & Screaming Loon contains over 1000 entries of remarkable information about birds, birdlife and birdwatching. Chapters include: The Last of the Dinosaurs: How birds evolved and adapted; The Cloaca Monologues: Courtship & Breeding; A Cracking Start: Raising a family; Sing A Song of Sixpence: Why birds sing and call; Why dont birds wee? Birds and their bodies; A Complex Relationship: Birds & man; The Majesty of Flight: How and why birds fly; Pole to pole without a map: The mystery of migration; Bird Brain: Instinct or intelligence?; Weird Birds & Strange Behaviour: A curates egg of a chapter; and The Battle for Survival: How birds are faring in a damaged worldWoven into this wealth of knowledge are famous quotations, anecdotes, traditional sayings, lines of verse, practical advice for attracting and spotting birds, and words of rural wisdom. The spirit and focus of the Almanac is British but the book also travels as far and distant as the worlds birds themselves. It is truly an essential handbook for every bird lover.
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