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Book description
A romantic comedy set in a world that is larger than life... A story that entices the reader to believe the unbelievable... As far back as Julia Walsh could remember, she always had a difficult relationship with her father. They hardly ever saw each other. Hardly ever spoke, and on the rare occasions they did, they never seemed to agree on anything.Three days before her wedding, Julia receives a phone call from her fathers personal secretary. Just as Julia had predicted, Anthony Walsh will not be able to attend his daughters wedding.However, for once, Julia has to admit that her fathers excuse is irreproachable.Hes dead.Julia cannot help seeing the tragic-comical side of the situation. From one second to the next, her nuptial dreams transform into funeral plans. Even beyond the grave, it seems, Anthony Walsh has his own particularly effective way of disrupting his daughters life. But the day after his funeral, Julia discovers that her father has one last surprise in store for her. Without a doubt, the journey of a life-time, and an opportunity to say, at last, all those things they had never said. With this novel, Marc Levy creates a world of mischief and suspense. At its heart, lie the relationship between a father and daughter, and a tale of first love, the kind of love that never dies. Over 1.5 million copies sold worldwide.“A MUST read, Marc Levy mixes a brilliant cocktail of emotion, suspense and humor, and does so with cinematic flair. A real accomplishment.” - Le Matin“There is a genuine suspense woven through this story about buried emotions, childhood trauma, gentle humor and the power of friendship … Marc Levy effortlessly captures ghosts of the past as if they were flesh and blood. His characters are all endearing, even the most cantankerous among them.” - Tele 7 JoursOne of France’s bestselling authors, Marc Levy’s novels have been translated into 45 languages and over 26 million copies of his books have been sold worldwide.
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