DOC All Day and a Night by Alafair Burke (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOC All Day and a Night by Alafair Burke (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

DOC All Day and a Night by Alafair Burke (Goodreads Author) without registering shop pdf torrent read

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Book description
A murder case with ties to a convicted serial killer leads a young defense lawyer and an NYPD homicide detective into parallel investigations with explosive and deadly results in this superb mystery.The latest story dominating the tabloids - the murder of psychotherapist Helen Brunswick-couldnt be further from Carrie Blanks world handling federal appeals at an elite Manhattan law firm. But then a hard-charging celebrity trial lawyer calls Carrie with an offer she cant refuse: Anthony Amaro, the serial killer police blamed for the murder of Carries older sister, Donna, has new evidence related to Brunswicks murder that he believes can exonerate him. Determined to force the government to catch Donnas real killer, Carrie takes on Amaros wrongful conviction claim. On the other side of Amaros case is NYPD Detective Ellie Hatcher, who, along with her partner, JJ Rogan, is tapped as the fresh look team to reassess the investigation that led to Amaros conviction. The case is personal for them, too: Ellie wonders whether they got the assignment because of her relationship with the lead prosecutor, and Rogan has his own reasons to distrust Amaros defense team. As the NYPD and Amaros lawyers search for certainty among years of conflicting evidence, their investigations take them back to Carries hometown and secrets left behind there. And when Carrie falls victim to a brutal attack, it becomes clear that the young attorney got too close to the truth.
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