DOC Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown by David Wiedemer read pc link english iBooks

DOC Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown by David Wiedemer read pc link english iBooks

DOC Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown by David Wiedemer read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
Secure your financial future before the next big bubble bursts Aftershock provides a definitive look at the economic climate still ahead in 2015--and beyond--and details the steps you can take now to secure your financial future. Written by the authors who accurately predicted the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, this book serves as both a warning and a game plan for investors looking to avoid catastrophic loss. This updated fourth edition has been expanded with new actionable insights about protection and profits in an increasingly confusing investment environment, and includes the latest data, updated charts and tables, and brand new coverage of monetary stimulus. With a look back at the domino fall of the conjoined real estate, stock, and private debt bubbles that triggered the last major crisis, this book paints a vivid picture of what to expect the next time the worlds economy pops. Youll learn how to protect your assets before and during the coming fall, and how to capitalize on the opportunities everyone else is missing.The housing bubble has popped, toppling banks and sending shockwaves of stock market misery around the world. It may seem like the worst is over. Its not. This book shows you whats still to come, and how to ride the crest instead of being sucked under.Learn when, why, and how the global bubble will burst Understand the repercussions that will reach into your accounts Get up to date on the data, with expert analysis and insight Start protecting yourself now with a few smart investment moves The stock market, real estate, consumer spending, private debt, dollar, and government debt bubbles will burst, driving up unemployment, devaluing the dollar, and causing deep global recession. Aftershock helps you fortify your assets before the wave so you can enjoy clear skies after the storm.
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