DOC A Rogues Masquerade (Zebra Regency Romance) by Valerie King txt download free

DOC A Rogues Masquerade (Zebra Regency Romance) by Valerie King txt download free

DOC A Rogues Masquerade (Zebra Regency Romance) by Valerie King txt download free

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Book description

Book description
As of August 1, 2013, and with the publication of WONDERFUL HARRIET, Valerie King has published fifty Regency works. In 2005, Romantic Times gave her a Career Achievement award in Regency Romance. Currently, she’s bringing her extensive Sweet Regency backlist to the public and working on Regency Historicals and Sweet Regency Novellas. As Caris Roane, she writes paranormal romance for St. Martin’s Press and is also self-publishing the continuing stories of her Guardians of Ascension series. To learn more about Valerie King, and to sign up for her newsletter, go to learn more about Caris Roane, and to sign up for her newsletter, go to writes under the name Sarah Montrose
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