DOC A Popular History of Ireland: From the Earlist Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics by Thomas D'Arcy McGee fb2 bookstore tom book reading

DOC A Popular History of Ireland: From the Earlist Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics by Thomas D'Arcy McGee fb2 bookstore tom book reading

DOC A Popular History of Ireland: From the Earlist Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics by Thomas D'Arcy McGee fb2 bookstore

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Book description

Book description
Its not a bad book, just a dated book. It follows the history of Ireland from the aboriginal times until about the 9th or 10th century. Its mostly focused on royal histories rather than cultural, tribal, or sociological angles, but it gives a good general outline of how things worked, what the general regional politics were, when the waves of invasion happened, how the transition from paganism to Christianity happened, etc. It is a definitively theologically imbued pro-Christian, anti-Pagan text so be careful of that. It helps if you have wikipedia alongside so you can contextualize things a bit better as you are reading it.
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