DOC A Philosophical Disease: Bioethics, Culture, and Identity by Carl Elliott (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

DOC A Philosophical Disease: Bioethics, Culture, and Identity by Carl Elliott (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

DOC A Philosophical Disease: Bioethics, Culture, and Identity by Carl Elliott (Goodreads Author) spanish finder book tom via

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Book description
This collection of essays is great fun, a welcome change from much writing on bioethics in the last few decades. At turns tender, wise, and playful Elliott draws especially on Wittgenstein and some minor literary analysis to try to upend assumptions about how bioethics ought to be done and where its authority resides. While many of the essays dont quite feel like theyre finished or entirely persuasive in their current form, Elliott does a wonderful job of pushing the reader to see tired fights in bioethics in a new light. While he doesnt come anywhere close to answers to the hardest question (I suspect by design), he does a good job of provoking hard thoughts about the integrity/coherence of the foundation of contemporary bioethics, what some have considered a non-theistic theology of the modern secular self (to use terms from Charles Taylor in a sloppy way). Im excited to read his Last Physician after reading his treatments of Walker Percy in these essays.
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