DOC A Peoples Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements by Nicolas Lampert (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

DOC A Peoples Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements by Nicolas Lampert (Goodreads Author) amazon book pocket full version link

DOC A Peoples Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements by Nicolas

> READ BOOK > A Peoples Art History of the United States: 250 Years of Activist Art and Artists Working in Social Justice Movements

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Book description

Book description
Most people outside of the art world view art as something that is foreign to their experiences and everyday lives. A People’s Art History of the United States places art history squarely in the rough–and–tumble of politics, social struggles, and the fight for justice from the colonial era through the present day.Author and radical artist Nicolas Lampert combines historical sweep with detailed examinations of individual artists and works in a politically charged narrative that spans the conquest of the Americas, the American Revolution, slavery and abolition, western expansion, the suffragette movement and feminism, civil rights movements, environmental movements, LGBT movements, antiglobalization movements, contemporary antiwar movements, and beyond.A People’s Art History of the United States introduces us to key works of American radical art alongside dramatic retellings of the histories that inspired them. Stylishly illustrated with over two hundred images, this book is nothing less than an alternative education for anyone interested in the powerful role that art plays in our society.
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