DOC 502 New Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting by June Dudley (Contributor) no registration download finder prewiew full

DOC 502 New Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting by June Dudley (Contributor) no registration download finder prewiew full

DOC 502 New Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting by June Dudley (Contributor) no registration download finder prewiew

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Book description

Book description
502 new options for quilting your masterpiece!The archives of Quiltmaker magazine are full of the best quilting motifs, and here are 502 new motifs pulled together in one volume just for you to mix and match and add to your quilt for the perfect finish!The 502 designs are categorized by style: In the Garden, By the Sea, Stars, Just for Kids, hearts, Holiday Cheer, Geometric and the ever-popular Curves and Feathers!The book also includes:Indexes that cross references motifs by size and shapeAdvice on selecting and adapting the designs for your quiltTips on marking tools, transferring designs, and hand- versus machine-quiltingSample border positioningQuiltmaker magazine has been a trusted resource for a generation of quilters. Let them give you the perfect quilting design to complete your quilt!
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