DOC 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

DOC 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

DOC 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better, and Writing More of What You Love by Rachel Aaron (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks

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Book description

Book description
Have you ever wanted to double your daily word counts? Do you sometimes feel like youre crawling through your story? Do you want to write more every day without increasing the time you spend writing or sacrificing quality? Its not impossible, its not even that hard. This is the book explaining how, with a few simple changes, I boosted my daily writing from 2000 words to over 10k a day, and how you can too.Expanding on her highly successful process for doubling daily word counts, this book, a combination of reworked blog posts and new material, offers practical writing advice for anyone whos ever longed to increase their daily writing output. In addition to updated information for Rachels popular 2k to 10k writing efficiency process, 5 step plotting method, and easy editing tips, this new book includes chapters on creating characters that write their own stories, practical plot structure, and learning to love your daily writing. Full of easy to follow, practical advice from a commercial author who doesnt eat if she doesnt produce good books on a regular basis, 2k to 10k focuses not just on writing faster, but writing better, and having more fun while you do it.
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