DJVU Zoom Upstream by Tim Wynne-Jones german online english format offline

DJVU Zoom Upstream by Tim Wynne-Jones german online english format offline

DJVU Zoom Upstream by Tim Wynne-Jones german online english format offline

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Book description
Only a few years ago I encountered Le Matou Marin for free and adored it. It turned out to be the French Zoom At Sea. I did not know it débuted a precious trilogy about friends who embark upon the most exotic journeys just by taking a few steps. The discovery that enchanted access to awesome places can be under any jug or through any door, would have thrilled my imagination to no end if I had known Tim Wynne-Jones literature as a child. I was a child upon publication of two of them! Last month I snapped-up Zoom Upstream, 1992. Four stars reflect that I was a little less enthralled with it but it is still a very special story, milieu, and short cast of characters.It is no fault of the authors that my copy was from a childrens museum with smudges, stickers, and a few page tears. Illustrator Eric Beddows black & white treatment effected a small letdown. Although they are wonderfully intricate, with a flourish mimicking Egyptian style; part of what entranced me in Le Matou Marin was the most exquisite rush of colours across a sea. Particularly because Egyptian rooms and caches are strongly connected with glinting gold, colour belonged here. The story lurched erratically. There was no build-up when Maria and Zoom set out this time. She was merely gone and he had been asleep. We werent told how Uncle Roy might be in danger, who we find smiling.The end clamped down abruptly when Uncle Roy merely invites them on a new adventure, without benefit of any explanation of why Maria and Zoom purportedly saved him. This was not a cohesive story but page snapshots of suspenseful fun. What was ever-present is a whole heart-warming feeling and these characters distinct wonderment of discovery.
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