DJVU You Wouldnt Want to Be an American Pioneer!: A Wilderness Youd Rather Not Tame by Jacqueline Morley free cheap book tablet value

DJVU You Wouldnt Want to Be an American Pioneer!: A Wilderness Youd Rather Not Tame by Jacqueline Morley free cheap book tablet value

DJVU You Wouldnt Want to Be an American Pioneer!: A Wilderness Youd Rather Not Tame by Jacqueline Morley free cheap book tablet

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Book description
This book is a hoot! It is full of light humor, funny pictures, and unlikely set of hand drawn characters, horses that aren’t as scared of hauling all that furniture and all those people as they should be to look in a mirror (they just look frightful or frightened or a combination of both).There is lots of useful (NOT) advice in this story, that is set up like a how-to manual for those driving west in a wagon. It covers ‘Mealtimes – feeling queasy’ with the pioneer woman cooking in a barrel while the description includes how insects drop into dinner; ‘Sink or Swim river crossings’ with all the household goods on their side as the covered wagon goes swimming; and ‘Done in and Done for’ which kind of says it all.This is a great book for a mid-elementary school child with a great sense of adventure, and a sense of humor to match. It outlines all the factual elements in a humorous (satirical, really) form, and can be picked up again and again because you find something new and amazing (aka scary) every time!!!And the end of the book lists famous pioneers, like Lewis and Clark, Daniel Boone, and John Charles Fremont (which I just loved, because I live in Fremont about a block from a statue of John C. Fremont!!!)Worth a look just for the fun of it, and the drawings are so funny, this could almost be a comic book … maybe it really is. And it makes you think more seriously about how those stubborn pioneers did make it through what they did – this was a hard life, make no mistake about it! Morley, J., Antram, D., & Salariya, D. (2002). You wouldnt want to be an American pioneer!: a wilderness youd rather not tame. New York: Franklin Watts.
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