DJVU Yearbooks by Nicholas Breutzman (Writer, Illustrator) bookstore access selling online ebay

DJVU Yearbooks by Nicholas Breutzman (Writer, Illustrator) bookstore access selling online ebay

DJVU Yearbooks by Nicholas Breutzman (Writer, Illustrator) bookstore access selling online ebay

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Book description
Nicholas Breutzmans Yearbooks takes the reader on a trip through the nightmares of high school, both real and imagined.Chilling... [Yearbooks] raises an interesting issue vis-a-vis the relationship between an artist and their responsibilities as a moral agent in the world. Can art be evil if its made by predators, or is this entirely in the eye of the beholder? — The Comics JournalStrange, gross, and lovely, Yearbooks is just connected enough to real high school memories to really freak you out... — Jessica Abel, Best American Comics series editorNic Breutzmans comics are often beguiling, sometimes disorienting, and always formally inventive. Yearbooks is a quick sucker punch that will leave you feeling uneasy but eager for more. – Matt Madden, Best American Comics series editorIn Nicholas Breutzman’s debut effort Yearbooks, we encounter nightmarish scenes of a literal and psychological nature as we plumb the depths of the high school experience. Yearbooks evokes the rubbery realism of Daniel Clowes’ Eightball, the narrative dread not unlike a Todd Solondz film, and the vivid colors commonly found in the work of Lauren Weinstein.Nic Breutzman is a Minnesotan native by way of New York who has had a number of comics published both through 2dcloud as well as in collaboration with other artists, such as Sharon Lintz (Pornhounds 2) and a collection of SVA grads (Jon Vermilyea, Eamon Espey, Raymond Sohn, et al) for the anthology Critical Citadel. He placed at #24 on The Comics Journals Top 50 comics of 2009 for his graphic Novella Yearbooks, has been listed as a notable in multiple editions of Best American Comics for work in Motherlover and Yearbooks, and his work with Sharon Lintz on Pornhounds 2 secured him a place on numerous best of 2011 lists. He currently works as a Designer at the Center for Innovation at the Mayo Clinic.
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