DJVU Winter in Majorca by George Sand download book free pdf

DJVU Winter in Majorca by George Sand download book free pdf

DJVU Winter in Majorca by George Sand download book free pdf

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Book description
I just came back from a wonderful vacation in Mallorca and bought a copy on the island of George Sands account. I thought it was going to be a book about her relationship with Chopin and the island but the only references to the composer is that he is an invalid and he is never named. Sands descriptions of the islands beauty are spot on, even two hundred years later, I could imagine the places and the landscapes that she describes having just seen a lot of it myself. I have never read George Sand before so I dont know what her novels are like. In this book I found her to be a snobby French woman who is condescending and downright insulting to Mallorquins, even going so far as to call them monkeys. Her wit and biting humor made me laugh despite myself, but I always returned to feeling bad at the way she treated the islanders. I think when people travel they need to be open to others and not expect or be disappointed that people have different customs and culture. I have believed that Sand was an independent woman of her era, yet she is just as stubbornly prejudiced as other European intellectuals of her time. She did open my eyes to the nature of monasteries and monks. When I was on the island I went to three former monasteries (the one in Valldemossa is one of my favorite places on earth)and I remember thinking how terribly sad it was when the monasteries were dissolved in the early 19th century. I thought of monks as truly pious people who had the will to live a prayerful life. I still admire this quality. But there is a brilliant passage in the book where Sand creates a conversation between the ghost of a medieval monk and a young artist. They have a philosophical conversation about the fallacies of the monks and their participation in the Inquisition. The ghost spoke of the monasteries as a sort of prison and how the artist is naive to praise them. Although this does not directly have to do with Mallorca, there is a line where George Sand accuses people of loving the architecture of things like the pyramids or churches without considering the that these achievements were built on the backs of slaves or participated in persecutions and executions. The strange thing about Sands condemnations of the people of Mallorca is that she acknowledges that Spain is at war and Mallorca is inundated with Spanish refugees. Sand recognizes this but then continues to pick on them for not having the kind of hospitality or accommodations that she is used to in France. I hated Alexander Therouxs eviscerating attack on Estonians in A Ramble Through the Periphery published in the 21st century, but Sands portrayal of another culture is just as demeaning to the Mallorquins. I feel hesitant to read any other travelogues, (although Mark Twains A Tramp Abroad is lovely). The only reason I am giving this book three stars is for the quality of the writing, the descriptions of the island and the thought provoking commentary on religion and what we appreciate at the expense of the realty of history.
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