DJVU Whispering Hope: The Heart-Breaking True Story of the Magdalene Women by Nancy Costello ebay price shop free find

DJVU Whispering Hope: The Heart-Breaking True Story of the Magdalene Women by Nancy Costello ebay price shop free find

DJVU Whispering Hope: The Heart-Breaking True Story of the Magdalene Women by Nancy Costello ebay price shop free find

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Book description
This is such an important book, not just for the Irish and church communities but for society. This is the composition of just a few of the stories of women who were incarcerated by the state in laundries run by abusive nuns under the guise of providing the fallen women with an education and a second chance. Of course, these laundries were merely workhouses for women and female children who had been abandoned, abused or who had had an illegitimate child - a great sin in catholic Ireland. The stories are heartbreaking and at times make for difficult reading. But its important that their stories are told, and that those who suffered abuse and neglect at the hands of the state receive apologies and compensation. It was refreshing to see a man championing womens rights in this way. Bearing in mind the last Magdalen laundry closed as recently as 1996, this should be a highly publicised issue. For all the women who were, in effect, non-existent (many didnt have birth certificates so could not receive benefits when they managed to break free from the laundries), and for all the women who were beaten physically and tortured mentally, separated from their children against their will - this is just a slice of their stories.
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