DJVU Western Science In The Arab World: The Impact Of Darwinism, 1860 1930 by Adel A. Ziadat reader download touch selling epub

DJVU Western Science In The Arab World: The Impact Of Darwinism, 1860 1930 by Adel A. Ziadat reader download touch selling epub

DJVU Western Science In The Arab World: The Impact Of Darwinism, 1860 1930 by Adel A. Ziadat reader download touch selling epub

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Book description
This very useful history/analysis serves to put to rest the canard that the Arab world has always been united in its rejection of evolutionary ideas, and that Islam in particular has been resistant to Darwinian reality. Ziadat divides his discussion into three parts: secularist Christians (i.e., people who, while from Christian communities, had either abandoned their faith or at least had discarded its dogmas), traditionalist religious thinkers (whether Muslim or Christian) and those Muslim thinkers who were prepared to be flexible in their interpretation of their faith -- i.e., who were believers but nonetheless also pro-science; in some of these latter instances, the pro-science part is a bit dodgy, depending on what the thinker thought science was. Obviously this isnt the kind of book youre likely to pick up from an airport bookstall, but theres a lot of fascinating stuff in it. My favorite among the writers Ziadat discusses has to be the Lebanese-born, Egyptian ex-Christian materialist Shibli Shumayyil, a wildly enthusiastic pro-evolutionist who wrote about the subject avidly and translated the work of the German evolutionist Ludwig Buchner into Arabic. The more one reads about Shumayyil the more he comes across as a thoroughly modern thinker, the kind of person whose views would be welcome at any rationalist soiree today . . . and then one discovers that, amongst all this, he had the conviction, based on his evolutionary thinking, that women were inferior creatures because their brains are on average smaller than mens. We all have our blind spots, I guess . . .
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