DJVU Warrior Police: Rolling with Americas Military Police in the Worlds Trouble Spots by Gordon Cucullu mobi ibooks iphone

DJVU Warrior Police: Rolling with Americas Military Police in the Worlds Trouble Spots by Gordon Cucullu mobi ibooks iphone

DJVU Warrior Police: Rolling with Americas Military Police in the Worlds Trouble Spots by Gordon Cucullu mobi ibooks iphone

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Book description

Book description
“Warrior Police” by Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Gordon Cucullu and Chris Fontana, published by St. Martin’s Press.Category – Middle East History/Afghanistan WarWhen I was in the service one perceived the MP’s (Military Police) as those who guarded the entrance to military bases, handled traffic control, and manned the military prisons. “Warrior Police” quickly puts that perception to sleep when the authors give a true account of the duties of the Military Police.When deployed to Afghanistan, or anywhere else for that matter, the MP’s are charged with patrolling the streets, in the case of Iran and Afghanistan, very dangerous streets. They help to rebuild the police force and put in place rules and regulations that will instill trust and faith in the local population. They work to establish good relations with the people by doing civic minded things which includes handing out backpacks with school supplies for the children.This is in addition to assisting in firefights when the infantry needs support. The book shows that the MP’s give an excellent account of themselves when they are tasked to do this.The authors interviewed hundreds, of MPs and were embedded with several units in order to get the material for this book. The stories range anywhere from cleaning up the mess at Abu Ghraib prison to being under attack and told that they cannot use all the firepower that is available to them.The book really takes on meaning when the authors see a need for a place for these soldiers to go to when they return from active duty. A place where they can rest, work, and learn a trade. The authors have founded a retreat-reintegration center in north-central Arkansas for this purpose. It is called the Valhalla-project and is open to all combat soldiers and civilians who have participated in post 9/11 military action.All proceeds from the sale of the book go to that project.
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