DJVU Venus to the Hoop: A Gold Medal Year in Womens Basketball by Sara Corbett (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

DJVU Venus to the Hoop: A Gold Medal Year in Womens Basketball by Sara Corbett (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

DJVU Venus to the Hoop: A Gold Medal Year in Womens Basketball by Sara Corbett (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

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Book description
They played for the gold. They played for the glory. And they played forthe future of women athletes everywhere.Few of the millions of viewers who witnessed the joyous celebration of thevictorious American womens basketball team at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics couldknow the intense human drama, the sweat and anxieties, the hopes and therivalries, that led up to that rapturous outpouring of emotion. Put down asmale wannabes, criticized for being either too feminine or not feminine enough, female athletes had struggled for years both to define themselves and to provetheir inherent worth beyond the pampered world of the macho male athlete. Butat the Atlanta Olympics, all that would change. The female athlete--strong, and beautiful because she was strong--would dominate the world stage.In the spring of 1995, twelve extraordinary basketball players were chosen torepresent the United States in the yearlong march to the 1996 Olympics. ForRebecca Lobo, Sheryl Swoopes, Lisa Leslie, and their teammates, winning thegold medal was only one of many goals. Around them swirled the dreams of themillions of young girls who played organized basketball, the hopes of the fanswho sent the team an average of 125 pounds of fan mail each month, themultimillion-dollar bets of Nike, Champion, and other corporate sponsors, thepromise of a new womens professional league, and not least, the hopes offemale athletes across the country finally to gain the respect accorded maleathletes.These women on whom so much pressure rested included a runway model (who alsohappened to be one of the few women players able to dunk), a forward who barelysurvived a car accident that left her in a coma, a collegiatesensationstruggling to live up to her rep and her huge marketing contract from Reebok, asuperstar known as the female Michael Jordan, and a controversial, unrelenting coach. Nine of the women were black; three were white. Some weremarried, some single; some outspoken, some painfully shy. Some were rivals, some fast friends. How they came together, both on and off the court, is thesubject of this wonderful celebration of the female athlete.
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