DJVU Urban Maps: Instruments of Narrative and Interpretation in the City by Richard Brook audio download epub txt purchase

DJVU Urban Maps: Instruments of Narrative and Interpretation in the City by Richard Brook audio download epub txt purchase

DJVU Urban Maps: Instruments of Narrative and Interpretation in the City by Richard Brook audio download epub txt purchase

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Book description

Book description
This book concerns the city and the devices that define the urban environment by their presence, representation or interpretation. The texts offer an interdisciplinary discourse and critique of the complex systems, artifacts, interventions and evidences that can inform our understanding of urban territories; on surfaces, in the margins or within voids. The diverse media of arts practices as well as commercial branding are used to explore narratives that reveal latent characteristics of urban situations that conventional architectural inquiry is unable to do. The subjects covered are presented within a wider framework of urban theory into which are embedded case study examples that outline the practices, processes and interpretations of each theme. The chapters provide a contemporary reading of urban socio-cultural conditions using mapping as a lens to explore and communicate the social phenomena and lived experiences of the dynamic and temporal city. Mapping is developed as a form of critical instrumentality to expose, record and contribute to the understanding of the singular essences of space, place and networks by thematic, cognitive and experiential modes of investigation.
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