DJVU Unnatural Rebellion: Loyalists in New York City during the Revolution by Ruma Chopra original read via flibusta reading

DJVU Unnatural Rebellion: Loyalists in New York City during the Revolution by Ruma Chopra original read via flibusta reading

DJVU Unnatural Rebellion: Loyalists in New York City during the Revolution by Ruma Chopra original read via flibusta reading

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Thousands of British American mainland colonists rejected the War for American Independence. Shunning rebel violence as unnecessary, unlawful, and unnatural, they emphasized the natural ties of blood, kinship, language, and religion that united the colonies to Britain. They hoped that British military strength would crush the minority rebellion and free the colonies to renegotiate their return to the empire.Of course the loyalists were too American to be of one mind. This is a story of how a cross-section of colonists flocked to the British headquarters of New York City to support their ideal of reunion. Despised by the rebels as enemies or as British appendages, New Yorks refugees hoped to partner with the British to restore peaceful government in the colonies. The British confounded their expectations by instituting martial law in the city and marginalizing loyalist leaders. Still, the loyal Americans did not surrender their vision but creatively adapted their rhetoric and accommodated military governance to protect their long-standing bond with the mother country. They never imagined that allegiance to Britain would mean a permanent exile from their homes.
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