DJVU Typical Girls?: The Story of the Slits by ZoГ« Street Howe buy tom english download itunes

DJVU Typical Girls?: The Story of the Slits by ZoГ« Street Howe buy tom english download itunes

DJVU Typical Girls?: The Story of the Slits by ZoГ« Street Howe buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
Im not going to lie - I came to know about this book by reading the Slits guitarists, Viv Albertine, memoir, Clothes, Clothes, Clothes. Music, Music, Music. Boys, Boys, Boys.. I read that book because I was interested in knowing more about the band since Ive been intrigued by their music for some time.Journalist Zoe Howe realized there were no biographies about the band, one of her favorites, so she set out to fill that void. Viv Albertine mentions in her own book how when they were first confronted by Howe about writing the book, they met her with a little wariness. Luckily they adored her and she was able to interview each of the main players in the group: Ari Up, Viv Albertine, Tessa Pollitt, and Palmolive, making this a very complete and accurate account of how the band came to be, what made them who they were, and their place in musical history.Much of this was repetitive for me, having just read Albertines book. Some of the references are the same, and I cannot even say that Howe took a more unbiased approach than Albertine - because Howe is a serious fan, her adoration for the band is evident on nearly every page. This doesnt make the book bad, per se, but it is relatively one-sided. This is a book for fans, or those with a passing interest in their music specifically, or punk music generally.I was happy to see three sections of black and white pictures - some of the same images were used in Albertines book, but this was a much more extensive collection. These images show the girls (and, yes, they were girls when they started - lets not forget Ari Up was 14 years old when she joined Palmolive in forming the band) on stage, back-stage, and in their natural habitats, showing the various sides of each of them. (And you get to see Aris hair become more advanced. Its like watching Giorgios hair get taller and wilder in each season of Ancient Aliens. Except, I understand from this book, Ari actually had critters in her hair at one point, which is pretty hardcore.)I enjoyed reading this, and it was a quick read. Between this and Albertines book, I feel a have a solid idea of what the band was about and what they wanted to accomplish. The book is also very, very British. As a non-Brit myself, I found a few occasions where I wasnt quite sure what Howe was trying to say, just because the terminology was unfamiliar to me. This doesnt mean anything, Im just saying. Theres a lot of references to taking the piss which will always amuse me, apparently.
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