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The first half of this book is really Kings Shield, but all four books are one story.Ive learned a lot while doing this arc--and I also have learned how much more I have to learn. I do wish I could have learned some things forty years ago, but hey.First image was around 1970, might even have been earlier, when I was making my world map. I always go into the zone when I do maps. I put the Elgar Strait where two continents almost touch (and had, much earlier in the worlds history, leaving behind a scattering of rocky upthrusts called The Fangs) and thought, Everything they said about Elgar was wrong, including his name. That evolved over the years to Legend said he was a pirate but he wasnt, and nobody really knew where he was born, so a lot of lands claim him, except where hes a total villain, and it was a he, not a she.That was all I had until the mid-nineties, when I got this vivid image of kids in the courtyard of a castle made of honey-colored stone (which meant I knew where it was), and a cheerful boys voice piping Lets go fight the girls! Not out of enmity at all--the one he was attacking was his intended wife--it was practice for defense. And she would one day be the castle defender.From there the images do what they do, cascading into story, and I dove in. Because this is the history of the timeline Ive been working on longest, there was a parallel game, or bit of fun, which was laying down the tracks for the future stories--or sometimes bringing up even older tracks and showing how they shaped events farther on. Including the midpoint between the present-day stories and the Inda one, which is where Banner of the Damned comes in.I first saw this story begin thirty years ago, but I didnt start work on it until ten years ago this month. It sets up a lot of stuff for the main arc that Ive been working on all my life.I put up a what happens after on my website, in case anyone wants to see it.
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