DJVU Tragic Magic by Laura Childs epub via read reader mobile

DJVU Tragic Magic by Laura Childs epub via read reader mobile

DJVU Tragic Magic by Laura Childs epub via read reader mobile

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Book description
The next Scrapbooking mystery takes readers back to New Orleans, where there are spookies, foodies-and crafty killers. Carmela, owner of Memory Mine scrapbook shop, and her best friend, owner of Juju Voodoo, have a big project. Melody Mayfeldt is converting an old mansion in the Faubourg-Marigny district into an unforgettable haunted house for those who flock to New Orleans for a creepy fix. She needs Carmelas crafty touch to make the Medusa Manor come to life in time for the upcoming horror convention. But Melody takes her house haunting too seriously-especially when her flaming body comes crashing through a tower window to welcome them to the job. Sure theres been an increased trend in murder lately, but someone specifically wanted Carmelas client very dead. Carmelas in some deep gumbo again and needs to crop out a killer from the throngs of people flocking to New Orleans. Then maybe it wont be so hard living in the Big Easy.
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