DJVU Thunder of Heaven by Tim LaHaye without registering flibusta online no registration eng

DJVU Thunder of Heaven by Tim LaHaye without registering flibusta online no registration eng

DJVU Thunder of Heaven by Tim LaHaye without registering flibusta online no registration eng

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Book description
The End Series by New York Times bestselling author Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall is an epic thrill ride ripped from todays headlines and filtered through Scriptural prophecy. As world events begin setting the stage for the end of days foretold in Revelation, Joshua Jordan must weigh the personal price he must pay to save the nation he loves. Thunder of Heaven appeals to the tens of millions of readers who have already made Tim LaHaye a household name and one of the best selling authors of all time. This book is a return to form for Tim LaHaye whose previous prophetic fiction series, Left Behind, has sold roughly 70 million copies. Those who have read Left Behind and are eager for more highly charged fiction based on biblical prophesies will embrace Thunder of Heaven for the same reasons that turned Left Behind into the worlds most celebrated publishing phenomenons of the last two decades.
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