DJVU The Watcher by Tara Crescent (Goodreads Author) macbook download tom no registration bookshop

DJVU The Watcher by Tara Crescent (Goodreads Author) macbook download tom no registration bookshop

DJVU The Watcher by Tara Crescent (Goodreads Author) macbook download tom no registration bookshop

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Book description
Her mother is seriously ill. Her job is tiring and stressful. There is darkness within her, a craving for pain and raw, hard sex. The mysterious Club Phoenix offers Kelly Mitchell all these things. But surrendering control at the doors of the dungeon is an addictive feeling and with each visit, she fall further and further into oblivion.All she has to protect her are her safe words and the carefully intent eyes of the Watcher. He is Kelly’s lifeline. But will he catch her before she loses herself completely? Will he keep her safe? Will she even want him to?Note: This is a dark read. Happy endings are optional. While all scenes are consensual, they are filled with harsh sadomasochism, anal play and humiliation.
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