DJVU The Suja Juice Solution: 7 Days to Lose Fat, Beat Cravings, and Boost Your Energy by Suja Juice epub online reading

DJVU The Suja Juice Solution: 7 Days to Lose Fat, Beat Cravings, and Boost Your Energy by Suja Juice epub online reading

DJVU The Suja Juice Solution: 7 Days to Lose Fat, Beat Cravings, and Boost Your Energy by Suja Juice epub online reading

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Book description
How gorgeous is that cover though! The colors are so vibrant and I immediately wanted to know what fruits/veggies could make something that looked that good:) If you have stomach issues like I do, are trying to lose weight, find a healthy cleanse, etc. you might be trying out juices, smoothies, meal replacement shakes, etc.! If you do this you will quickly find that while there are a slew of items out there many of them, many, are quite honestly nasty tasting or just not available.It was during my search several months ago that I came across Suja. At the time they were not sold locally (still only have 4 flavors sold near me), so I had to wait until I went to a larger city (about an hour away) to find these products and try them out. When I did, swoon, I was in love. They were light but filling, had a good overall taste (except for 2 that were not my cup of tea), and best of all did not cause any digestive discomfort. Furthermore, this book addresses more than just how to use a juice cleanse or one of their juices as a meal/snack. It actually delves into the reasons behind juicing, what foods to try and avoid or lessen, gives information regarding nutrients and food to try and incorporate and more. For those that have been juicing or done a lot of research, I am not sure how informative or helpful the majority of this book would be for you in regards to the background knowledge. However, at the back of the book is some great meal plans and delicious recipes. I have tried quite a few of them out and have either loved or enjoyed the majority:) I love Suja juices,and most people I have talked to do as well, but I feel this book takes the Suja mission for helping us achieve better health and well being to the next level!I received this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!
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