DJVU The Sudbury Valley School Experience by Daniel Greenberg (Editor) ios access how download information online

DJVU The Sudbury Valley School Experience by Daniel Greenberg (Editor) ios access how download information online

DJVU The Sudbury Valley School Experience by Daniel Greenberg (Editor) ios access how download information online

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Book description

Book description
A collection of essays discussing various aspects of the educational philosophy underlying Sudbury Valley School, and vignettes illustrating its atmosphere. An excellent introduction to the life and style of the school. Includes: Back to Basics, What Children Dont Learn at SVS, How and What Do Children Learn at SVS?, What do Students Choose?, A New Look at Learning, On the Nature of Sports at SVS and the Limitations of Language in Describing SVS to the World, Reverence for all Life, Learning to Trust Oneself, The Little Girl Who Taught Me a Big Lesson, The Art of Doing Nothing, Wrong Questions, Wrong Answers, Do People Learn From Courses?, A Moment of Insight, When Does a Person Make Good Use of His Time?, Doing Nothing at School: A Lesson from History, Snapshots, Sudbury Valleys Secret Weapon: Allowing People of Different Ages to Mix Freely at School, The Beech Tree, How the School is Governed: Who Cares?, When You Think of the School Meeting, What Passes Through Your Mind?, Five Myths About Democracy, Subtleties of a Democratic School, The Silent Factor, Teaching Justice Through Experience, SVS Glimpses, On Law and Order, When You Were Young; A True Story, To Thyself Be True, A School for Today
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